Sunday, 28 April 2013

Photos I Took On My Shoot

These are some photos I took on my shoot to get images for my magazine.

Evaluation Of My Images
The images I ended up with from my shoot are a range of what I want and images that did not turn out so well. For instance, some of them are blurry, have other unrelated things in the background that make them look messy and unprofessional. I think this happened as because I took these at school there were a limited of places to do it so we had to just work with what we could get. 
For instance, the image directly above this text has a number of things wrong with it such as too much in the background that you wouldn't see on professional images/magazine front covers. You can't see the persons face and guitar players will notice that he is not even playing the guitar properly. This is in comparison to the image I chose to use on my front cover as my main image which has nothing but a white wall as the background, you can see his face and he is looking directly at the camera. I chose to make it black and white as it just neutralised the colour tone more as before there was a number of different colours in the image that were not stereotypical to images used in the rock genre. 
I also took a couple of images of instruments that are typical to rock music such as drums and guitars. 
These images represent the needs of my target audience as it uses and displays common factors of conventions that they like. For example, it shows images of guitars which if you are reading a rock magazine stereotypically you must also be into guitars so therefore like seeing images of them and people playing them. This is the same reason that I featured a picture of a drum kit. It may also help with advertising a certain instrument if my target audience were thinking about taking up playing the guitar or drums, they could look at this magazine and see which ones their favourite musicians are playing and then go out and buy them for themselves. My model is only smiling in one of these images and even then he is facing down to the ground with his eyes shut. This symbolises the emotions that readers of this magazine are most likely facing. Stereotypically, listeners of rock music are more likely to have more quiet, depressed-like personalities (this is portrayed the most in the sub-genre and stereotype, emo). This reassures my target audience that they are not the only ones feeling like this and it is particularly reassuring that artists that they look up to are also feeling like this, also making their idols seen like normal human beings, just like my target audience are. There are no bright colours in these images, the brightest being reds and blues, colours that are also linked with emotions of sadness etc. 

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