Thursday, 18 April 2013

Key Institutions

An institution can be a large corporate, business or company that is responsible for producing a number of products that are bought and known by a lot of people. For instance, the BBC.
The BBC are one of the largest and first corporate companies as they produce products such as magazines, television, books, radio, websites etc. By producing a wide range of media products that are on all the media platforms, virtually anyone who consumes even only one of these products on a regular basis have almost definitely at some point consumed something made by the BBC. Of course with success comes money, the BBC have a revenue of £5.086 billion.

Another example of a large corporate company is Disney. With 166,000 employees, theme parks, television channels, films, a record label and much much more, many would argue that they are the largest corporate in the world. However, they only mainly cater to young children and the parents of young children as they do not produce any products for people from the age of 13 - 40, which is a flaw the BBC do not have. Disney do however have a larger revenue than the BBC at £27.759 billion. 

A small independent company is a company that in most circumstances is not widely known for reasons such as only catering to a specific target audience or only producing media products in a certain area (only focusing on creating magazines or producing records etc). An example of a small independent company is Sonic Publishing who are responsible for producing Rocksound. 

Other companies that focus solely on producing magazines are IPC, Bauer Media and Conde Nast. These companies produce some of the worlds most popular magazines such as NME, Vogue, Kerrang!, Q, and Empire. Bauer Media reach 19 million people in the UK every week through their brands including Kerrang! and Q. This means they would be an effective company to pitch my magazine to as they already publish extremely popular music magazines so they would have the necessary skills and knowledge to make my magazine perform to its highest potential. 

The company I would like to publish my product with is either Sonic Publishing, Bauer Media or the BBC. The reason I chose these 2 is because the BBC is an extremely well known company that has a lot of money therefore being able to advertise and produce my product on a number of media platforms which is something Sonic Publishing would not be able to do. However, because Sonic Publishing and Bauer Media already produce popular rock magazines they will have experience and knowledge on the subject which means they will be able to take my magazine and develop it further so that it has the highest potential at attracting my target audience. As well as this, there would be a chance I would be able to advertise my new rock magazine in an already existing rock magazine which is aimed at the same target audience. 

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