These are the flat plans for my music magazine
Front Covers
Front Covers
Contents Pages
Double Page Spreads
These are the flat plans that I created to plan my magazine pages before creating them properly. I did 3 for my front cover, 3 for my contents page and 3 for my double page spread but the camera did not pick them up very well so they are not easy to see on here. In my opinion none of them are very strong so when creating the real thing I will incorporate factors of each but with the double page spread I will most likely use the flat plan on the right hand side of my double page spread section. The reason for this is I feel it follows the generic conventions of professional magazines and also looks more professional anyway and looks 'tidier'. For my contents page I think either the left or right one will be the one I stick to the most in terms of lay out. This is because, even though the middle one sticks to common conventions more than the others, they look more unique and modern, which is the type of feel I want my magazine to have. For my front cover I am most likely to use the flat plan on the right or the flat plan in the middle as a base for my lay out. This is because of the same reasons for my choices of contents page, they do follow conventions of generic magazines but also challenge them slightly to create a modern and unique look. I like the way the one in the middle features an acceptable amount of teasers/information/text but not an over-the-top amount, and I like the how the one on the right has minimal amount of information/teasers/text but it will be in boxes with borders around them etc which will bulk them up a bit. I asked a couple of people who some were in the range of my target audience and then a couple of others who were not within my target audience and they all agreed with the choices that I just stated except for 2 people which were not in the range of my target audience (they do not like rock music) so therefore their opinions do not affect my choices and ideas.
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