Friday, 17 January 2014

Website Construction

  • To make my website, I first chose a template from
  • When I was happy that my choice would support the conventions that I wanted to include and would appeal to my target audience, I downloaded it. I chose to use a template instead of starting a website from scratch because I have no previous experience with creating websites so I felt I needed a starting point. 
  • I then had to make sure to put it in a separate folder on the computer so that when I went on to Dreamweaver and went on the files section to open it, I could do it with ease and not have to go searching through the computer to find it. 
  • When I had successfully opened the first page (I started with the homepage), I proceeded to change conventions on it to conventions that I liked and that I was sure my target audience would like. For example, I swapped images that came with the template with images that I took and that suited the content that went with the image. In order to make the image I wanted to use web-friendly, I put it into photoshop and then saved it as a JPEG on a medium resolution, instead of a high resolution so that it would successfully open and load on my site. I also changed the text from the template text, to the text that I wanted the website to say.
  • I then chose to edit the HTML coding slightly in order to change visual elements such as colours and layout on the page. For example, I wanted to change the colours on the website to match the colours that I used in my magazine and billboard to create a brand image and a sense of familiarity for the reader.
  • I followed these general steps until my homepage was complete as the only things I really needed to change was the colours, images, text and the layout slightly. I then followed these same steps to create my 2 linked pages which occurred successfully. 


  1. CONSTRUCTION POSTS all four construction posts show a proficient level of ICT and a basic level of drafting and planning in preparation for the final products. They all lack detail and scope to reach the higher level.

  2. Overall in terms of your planning, I agree with Mr Bennet that your work demonstrates the following:
    • Planning and research evidence is complete.
    • There is proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience.
    • There is proficient work on shotlists, layouts and drafting.
    • There is proficient organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.
    • Time management is good.
    • There is proficient skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation.
    • There are proficient communication skills.
    • There is a good level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.
